TeraCopy 2.12 Pro merupakan software yang dirancang untuk mempercepat proses copy dan move suatu file pada windows, dengan menggunakan TeraCopy 2.12 Pro tentunya sobat bisa memaksimalkan proses transfer file sobat...
2. Instal TeraCopy 2.12...
3. setelah selesai diinstal, klik "more"...
4. pilih menu, about...
5. klik "enter key"...
6. selesai...
kalau tertarik sobat bisa langsung mendownloadnya pada link di bawah ini...
Download TeraCopy 2.12 Pro + SN
Password : smilesoftware
Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat...
Cara memasukkan SN :
1. Copy seluruh SN yang telah didownload...2. Instal TeraCopy 2.12...
3. setelah selesai diinstal, klik "more"...
4. pilih menu, about...
5. klik "enter key"...
6. selesai...
Features :
- Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer beween two phisical hard drives.
- Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
- Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
- Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfer and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
- Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replaca Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as unusual.
- Full Unicode support.
- Copy/move to favorite folders.
- select files with the same extention/same folder.
- Remove selected files from the copy queue.
- More features coming soon!
kalau tertarik sobat bisa langsung mendownloadnya pada link di bawah ini...
Download TeraCopy 2.12 Pro + SN
Password : smilesoftware
Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat...
Bgsu fren, eh jgn lupa berkunjung en komen artikel2 adam yah?
:D hehe...
thanks sob...
ane segera berkunjung...
langsung donloat ya gan
iya gan, silahkan...
Bos mau nanya dong knp saya waktu mau masukin serial error ya ? nie gambarnya
balesnya ke website saya aj ya
bales di chatbox ya, di tunggu balasanya ^^
@ yan:bener tuh kate yang diatas saya
eror gan pas mau masukin passnya buat file txt SN
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